Australia: Port Pirie Blessing of the Fleet 2021


Australia: Port Pirie Blessing of the Fleet 2021



Molfetta, 05/09/2021

Voliamo in Australia all'evento: Port Pirie Blessing of the Fleet 2021.

Noi dell'associazione Oll Muvi, affermati nel mondo con il brand I Love Molfetta, da sempre vicino ai nostri emigrati molfettesi sparsi nel mondo, condividiamo il programma e i messaggi che arrivano e "rimbalzano" sui diversi canali social per la preparazione della festa in Australia della Madonna dei Martiri.

BUONA FESTA in Australia

As our feast is fast approaching, the committee invite anyone with a boat to participate in the annual Blessing of the Fleet. All boats most welcome. If you require any further information feel free to contact Anthony Fasciano.


TUESDAY 7th September
St Mark's Cathedral
"Dedicated to our dearly departed"
7.15pm Rosary
7.30pm Mass followed by novena prayers.
WEDNESDAY 8th September
St Mark's Cathedral
Nativity of Our Lady
"We celebrate youth in our community"
in particular Debutantes, partners and children having received and Holy Sacraments.
7.15pm Rosary
7.30pm Mass followed by novena

THURSDAY 9th September
St Mark's Cathedral
"Faith and Friendship"
Please join us and bring a friend!
7.15pm Rosary
7.30pm Mass followed by novena

SATURDAY 11th September
Debutante Ball POSTPONED

SUNDAY 12th September
10.30am High Mass celebrated by Bishop Karol Kulczycki SDS
2.00pm procession from St Mark's Cathedral to Solomontown boat ramp, blessing of the Italian monument followed by a cruise of the river and a blessing of the Fleet and to all who sail the seas. Procession will make its way back to St Mark's Cathedral for benediction.

Thank you for your understanding, as the Port Pirie Italian Community Inc is committed to ensuring the good health and well-being of all
Liz Gadaleta


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