The project

Culture, migration, traditions, art and money have always had a complicated and controversial relationship.
The culture of our origins is invaluable to this, however we invest less and less money and resources for it.
We commit to give light to the project: “We light the tradition”, please be a part of it with us.

The project

One aspect of the religious festivals that characterize the South of Italy is given by the constant presence of the illuminations: bright arches, sound boxes, collars, gables and galleries which form a mixture so harmonious and well articulated in terms of design that they amaze even the most demanding and insatiable audiences. The reasons for this are multiple.

The project “We light the tradition”, starting from Molfetta, wants to reach the city of Hoboken, in the state of New Jersey (USA), through the donation to the Molfettesi community there, of some lights that mark the festivities of our home town.

What is common for more than 88 years to the cities are the festivities related to the Madonna Dei Martiri, the patron Saint of Molfetta, which is celebrated even in Hoboken, in the month of September, during the Hoboken Italian Festival, organized by the Society of the Madonna Dei Martiri founded by immigrants from the city of Molfetta.  Very strong is the bond of immigrants down to the 3rd and 4th generation to the traditions of the Adriatic city.

The feast of the Madonna dei Martiri today to the Italian immigrants in North America, is the second in importance after that of St. Gennaro in New York for the number of participants. We are talking about an event quite like the one that is celebrated in Molfetta.

What is missing, so that the Hoboken Italian Festival the Feast of the Madonna dei Martiri, will claim exactly the festivities that take place in Molfetta, are the colors offered by the lights.

The project proposal provides, therefore, the realization of the following activities: presence of illumination in Hoboken N.J., with specific power for the USA; shipping of illuminations to Hoboken N.J. by container; installation of the illuminations in Hoboken N.J. by qualified personnel; production of a video documentary; photo book; news event promotion.

The project named “We light the tradition” aims to promote and spread the colors of the feast of the Madonna dei Martiri in Molfetta to Hoboken through the creation of arches with exclusive colors for the feast in America. To provide the involvement , as well as the City of Molfetta, already partners in the project, including the Mayors of the cities of Hoboken, Little ferry, Weehawken and the representatives of the Italian Embassy.

The creator of the project “We light the tradition” is Roberto Pansini, Molfettese, creator of the website www.ilovemolfetta.it

The objective is to reach 15,000. EUR. If you want to be part of the project, look at the different levels of contribution on the right. If you are interested but cannot contribute materially, we will be very grateful if you spread the word amongst your friends and relatives as well as posting on social networks.
Thank you again for your help and cooperation to realize this dream.


€ 7.220,00
on € 15.000,00

A Project of the Association Cultural
Oll Muvi

Thanks if you donate 1 €
Big Thanks if you donate 5 €
from 10 € to 49 €
Thanks placed on the project website and social networks and end credits of the documentary.
from 50 € to € 99 €
Thanks placed on the project website and social networks and end credits of the documentary + small gift by I Love Molfetta.
from 100 € to € 199 €
Thanks placed on the project website and social networks and end credits of the documentary + small gift by I Love Molfetta + possibility to organize a screening of the film at its association.
from 200 € or more
Thanks placed on the project website and social networks and end credits of the documentary + small gift by I Love Molfetta + DVD + Poster Hoboken Italian Festival the feast of the Madonna dei Martiri.
For business
from 500,00 € or more

Thanks placed on the project website and social networks and end credits of the documentary + small gift by I Love Molfetta + DVD + Poster of 'Hoboken Italian Festival + Banner advertising and editorial on the website www.ilovemolfetta.it

you can also donate by bank
check payable: "OLL MUVI"
cause: "We light the tradition"

IBAN IT 50 T 01030 41562 000061233579
Molfetta Ag 1
Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena
70056 Molfetta (BA) Italy

Roberto Pansini
mob. +39 392 4814493