Fremantle Blessing of the Fleet 2022: la Madonna dei Martiri in Australia


Fremantle Blessing of the Fleet 2022: la Madonna dei Martiri in Australia



Molfetta, 22/10/2022

Fremantle Blessing of the Fleet is set to light up the streets of our port city this Sunday 23rd of October.

Una tradizione di Fremantle onorata e amata nel tempo, celebrata per la prima volta nel 1948, da pescatori italiani, emigrati da Molfetta.

The Blessing of the Fleet is a tradition that began centuries ago in Mediterranean fishing communities to ensure a safe and bountiful fishing season.

First celebrated in WA by Italian fishermen from Molfetta and Capo d’Orlando, the historical port of Fremantle celebrates its 74th anniversary this year.

This year’s Blessing is being held on Sunday, October 23, with a mass at St Patrick’s Basilica at 9.30am.

The procession will start from the Basilica at 2pm and wind its way down to the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour where the fleet will be blessed by the bishop.
Fireworks will be held on the Esplanade Reserve at approximately 4pm and 8pm.
We look forward to seeing you down at the Harbour!

"Un giorno anche noi vorremmo essere presenti nel nuovo continente, per questa grande festa, insieme alla grande comunità di emigrati, - queste le parole di Roberto Pansini Presidente Associazione Oll Muvi e ideatore di I Love Molfetta - un sogno che cercheremo di realizzare: andare a visitare Fremantle città gemellata con Molfetta."


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