Don Giuseppe de Candia and best wishes for the 90th anniversary MdM in Hoboken |
MOLFETTA 03/04/2016 Il "book" distribuito durante il "Dinner Dance 2016" negli States, il magazine con il programma dell'evento di settembre l'Hoboken Italian Festival the fesa of the Madonna dei Martiri, tante le inserzioni tra le quali non mancano quelle, arrivate da Molfetta, scritte da Mons. Giuseppe de Candia, ufficio Diocesano Migrantes e padre spirituale dei Molfettesi nel mondo. I've had a very hard time deciding on the exact tone to use to give my best wishes for 90th anniversary of the Society of the Madonna dei Martiri. Your mouth becomes dry when you have too little to say but also when you have too much to say. I have a lot to say and I'm having a difficult time finding the right words. I would like to talk about the founders, whom I have know since the 60's when I made my first visit to Hoboken, the city of the factories. Great men who helped the last immigrants coming off the big ships. I would like to speak a little of the history of the feast, which has become the pride od New Jersey, thanks to the creativity of those who today celebrate with pride. I would like to speak of those who "quietly" made the society become part of the culture. But also those who enjoy their work by attending each year. So, I will simply give my best wishes to everybody, and a prayer to the "Madonna dei Martiri". Help "Holy Mothers" this 90 year old society to say young with Your Holy Blessing. A hug to all and best wishes Don Giuseppe de Candia from #Molfetta |
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