
Poesia: After the siesta, Molfetta

Poesia: After the siesta, Molfetta MOLFETTA 17/10/2014

Una poesia dedicata alla città di Molfetta, scritta in inglese, non abbiamo voluta tradurla. fatelo voi, magari vi esercitate con l'inglese...

La poesia sta scomparendo dall'orizzonte quotidiano e quando rimane ancora in vista appare come qualcosa di speciale e in fondo stravagante.

Oggi accade anche negli istituti scolastici, uno dei pochi posti dove ancora si sente menzionare questa "parola", quasi sempre viene trattata come una cosa lontana dal presente e assolutamente incomprensibile.

Eppure i poeti sono vivi. I poeti sono vivi perchè la poesia vive nel presente, si nutre ed è nutrita dalla vita, dal tempo, dall'esperienza che attraversiamo ogni giorno.

all poetry -by-Shenton


After the siesta,
as is their habit,
they take their
late afternoon-
early evening stroll
along the sea-side promenade.

Couples of all ages;
young nucIear families,
some with prams;
oIder farniIies
with grandparents and perhaps
aunts and uncles,
to demonstrate how
the family tree has spread its branches.

They stroll, many arm-in-arm,
greeting friends and nodding
to acquaintances made
on previous strolls and,
without any apparent rule-of-the-road,
fIowing smoothIy
against the counter-flow
of groups advancing
from the opposite direction.

Pairs of lovers smooch
on their raised love seats
atop the sea wall.
Embracing, kissing, caressing,
uncaring of the passers-by
on the crowded sidewalk.

As the evening twilight falls,
numbers increase for, by now,
the non-walkers
have brought out their cars,
with windows and roofs open
in the warm evening air,
to add the syncopated thud
of their car-music
to the sound of footfalls
which, with that of
human conversation and greetings,
rises to the balcony
from where I watch
the passing parade.

Author Notes

Molfetta is a small fishing city on the Adriatic coast of the region of Puglia in Italy.

It is a sister-city of Fremantle, the port for Perth, the capital city of Western Australia

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